Sunday, March 17, 2013

Peacock Wedding

Peacock wedding - This wedding cake was for Jared and Rachel.  My cute friends.  All my cakes for Hilary's kids have great stories.  The wedding was at La Caille.  So I was already nervous.  As I am almost there, over-zealous wedding planner calls me and says I am late, people are starting to arrive.  I was sure I wasn't really late, as I had actually written down the exact time I was supposed to arrive.  But she was there on site, so I must have gotten it wrong somehow right??  I am in Salt Lake traffic in a PANIC, I get to the venue, trying to hurry my fastest and we see the pretty peacocks.  What my sweet sister realized while carrying in the last layer is that peacocks aren't as nice as they are pretty.  :)  He was at her heels as she ran the last layer in.  When we got inside, there were no guests, no sign of the wedding party.  We were not late at all.  The reception didn't start for an hour!  :)  So with my nerves shot, I set the cake up and got out before anyone else came in.  Rachel was a stunning bride and so gracious.  Love these two!

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