Monday, July 14, 2014

Vintage Grey Lace wedding cake

Vintage Grey Lace wedding cake - This cake is a close contender for my all time favorite.  I still love Jared and Rachel's cake the most but this was a super close second for me. I didn't know if I would love it going in, but once it came together, I fell in love.  It was the most stressful cake I have done in years.  I was trying to be considerate of the sleeping people in my house and had the light on in the dining room, but not the kitchen. I dyed the WHOLE BATCH purple. I put it on the bottom cake not realizing it was purple, not gray and thought, wow, that looks bright for grey, turned on the light and freaked out! I didn't have any extra powdered sugar to make more. and I didn't have time to remake the layer entirely, so I found out you can mix in yellow to make gray. If that wasn't enough, during delivery, someone pulled out in front of me and I had to slam on my brakes.  The top layer was not stacked yet and because it is taller than a normal top layer, it's center of gravity was precarious anyway and it tipped over, luckily just hitting the side of the van so I was able to repair it on site.  Maybe that is one of the reasons I love it.  I was just so happy it turned out so well after all that.  LOL

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